Carolina Gomes da Silva

Carolina Gomes da Silva

Blogger Cozinha Ovolactovegetariana, Fitness e Bem-Estar

High Protein Ovolactovegetarian

Carolina Gomes da Silva, tem 27 anos, licenciada em Economia, e mestre em Auditoria e Fiscalidade, a...

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Carrot, Ginger and Coconut Milk Cream
Sauteed Green Bean Tofu Bifana
Grain Curry with Basmati Rice
Broccoli Peas and Galician Cabbage
Intense Flavors

Exotic mixtures, different flavors, innovative ideas that make cooking difficult. The kitchen will be flooded with a del... read more

For 2 Plant Based Mediterranean High Protein

Tofu Croquettes, Mushrooms and Leek
Pea Cream
Baked Jacket With Sweet Potato
Beetroot, Avocado and Humus Salad
Introduction to Veganism

In this plan you will have access to 4 delicious recipes that come to complicate the vegetarian cuisine. After that you... read more

For 4 High Protein Plant Based

Leek and Zucchini Cream
Vegetable Fritters
Meatballs Of Lentils
Baked Tofu and Bean Salad
Innovation is good!

Here are simple recipes for when there is not much time or desire to cook, but hunger tightens. In this plan you will ha... read more

Plant Based High Protein For 4