Mafalda Rodiles

Mafalda Rodiles

Actriz e Blogger Alimentação Saudável

Plant Based Mediterranean

Mafalda Rodiles é atriz e mãe da Mel e do Martim. Morou 9 anos no Rio de Janeiro onde desenvolve...

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Grain and Couscous Tabbouleh
Tofu with Quinoa and Mango Salad
Banana and Raisin Bars
Tapioca with Cheese and Tomato
Will It Go Vegetarian?

These are my favorite vegetarian recipes and I'm sure they will be yours too! Nowadays we consume more animal protein, s... read more

Plant Based

Fish Soufflé
Refreshing Green Sumo
Salmon Risotto
Tuna Balls with Yam and Beet Puree
Fish All The Way!

In this plan you will learn how to cook 3 types of fish in three different ways, risotto, soufflé and balls, but all ver... read more

For 2 Mediterranean