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  • At Cuizeat, when adding recipes, plans or baskets, you are effectively creating your shopping list automatically and optimally, and then, with the click of a button, automatically load this list into the shopping cart of the best national online retailers and so you can complete the entire ordering process on your shopping list.

  • Each order comes with all of the main ingredients you need to cook the recipes you selected, except a few basic items like salt, pepper, oils and butter (which can also be purchased).

  • You also have the flexibility to remove items from your grocery list, if you already have certain items at your home or add additional items you may want more of, whether food or non-food.

  • Finally, you can also print the respective recipe cards, with all the cooking instructions for the recipes you’ve purchased, if you don't prefer the digital format.

Procura outra pergunta?

Se não encontra a resposta que está à procura nas perguntas frequentes acima, entre em contato connosco em [email protected], por whatsapp +351 935 140 576 ou use o chat de mensagens para clientes no canto inferior direito da página.

Segunda - Sexta: 11h00 - 18h00