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When you select individual Recipes, you will be adding all the necessary products to your grocery list in order to cook that Recipe. You can pick and choose which Recipe’s you’d like to add from our entire catalogue.

When you select a Plan, you will be adding all of the necessary products to your grocery list in order to cook each Recipe included in the Plan. Most plans come with 4 predefined Recipes, but this may vary (ex: Detox Plans).

Also by selecting the bundles, you will automatically add to your grocery list all the essentials to keep in mind in your pantry or fridge. They are 100% flexible baskets, as you can add and / or remove any of these products.

Procura outra pergunta?

Se não encontra a resposta que está à procura nas perguntas frequentes acima, entre em contato connosco em [email protected], por whatsapp +351 935 140 576 ou use o chat de mensagens para clientes no canto inferior direito da página.

Segunda - Sexta: 11h00 - 18h00