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Centro de Ajuda
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Cuizeat is the help you need to shop your groceries at an online supermarket. Cuizeat is unique in several ways. 

We have redesigned the process of shopping by zooming out to think about how we can support the broader need of planning, shopping and cooking in relation to our health and diet goals. 

On Cuizeat you can think about what you want to cook instead of which individual ingredients to buy. In this way, the process of creating your grocery list becomes a quick and fun task, instead of a long and painful one. 

And finally, Cuizeat is a hub where you can find new diet inspiration through our network of Experts, giving you the opportunity to explore new variety for a diet you know and love, or more easily try out something new. 

Procura outra pergunta?

Se não encontra a resposta que está à procura nas perguntas frequentes acima, entre em contato connosco em [email protected], por whatsapp +351 935 140 576 ou use o chat de mensagens para clientes no canto inferior direito da página.

Segunda - Sexta: 11h00 - 18h00