Agora, faça login na Cuizeat e checkout no Continente Online!
Centro de Ajuda
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We are a smart grocery list, developed to make planning and buying our food easier, as well as promoting the shift to a healthier food system at home. With Cuizeat, we invite people to think about the recipes they want to cook, not the ingredients they need to buy.

When you select a recipe from our extensive catalog, including various diet styles, all the necessary productswill be added to your list. Our smart grocery list also allows you to add or remove products, in addition to changing the number of doses / recipe you want to prepare. Your shopping list will always be automatically optimized to guarantee the purchase of the right quantity of each product and according to your preferences (price, brand and allergens).

All products on your list are then loaded directly into the shopping cart of our retail partner - Continente Online - and you can then finalize your order, adding other products if you wish - food and / or non-food - proceed to payment and receive all in the comfort of your home, on the day and time of your choice.

Procura outra pergunta?

Se não encontra a resposta que está à procura nas perguntas frequentes acima, entre em contato connosco em [email protected], por whatsapp +351 935 140 576 ou use o chat de mensagens para clientes no canto inferior direito da página.

Segunda - Sexta: 11h00 - 18h00