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Slices of Bolo Rei
Slices of Bolo Rei

Slices of Bolo Rei

with milk, eggs, sugar, cream, lemon and dehydrated blueberries

Do you want to try some delicious King Cake French Toast with a more English twist? And how well you know these French toast, different and that it will be a success on your family Christmas!

40 min

211 kcal

12 doses



You will also need:

The following ingredients will not be added to your grocery list.

Dried Blackberry (optional)

80 gr

to taste

1 Tbsp

Nutritional Information

Calories (kcal)

Energy (Kj)

/ Per Dose

211 kcal

883 Kj

Nutritional real facts per meal might have small variations from the website nutritional info.​

Preparation Instructions

For the English Cream:


Start by heating 500ml milk in a pan with the cinnamon stick.


Add the flour, sugar, cornstarch and 4 egg yolks in a bowl, beat everything. Then add the Port and whiskey and mix well.


When the milk is hot, add a little to the mixture and mix.


Then add the mixture to the remaining milk in the pan and stir until it thickens, on a low heat for about 5 min, without boiling. Reserve.

For the Radishes:


Start to heat a non-stick cooking plate or grill.


Place the blueberries in a bowl with whiskey to hydrate (topping with blueberries may be optional).


Cut slices of king cake about 1 finger thick. Prepare a bowl with 500ml of milk and add lemon zest. Prepare another bowl with 6 beaten eggs and another with sugar and cinnamon to taste. Reinforce each bowl with more quantities, if necessary.


Dip the king cake in the milk and remove.


Put a little oil on the plate, spreading well with kitchen paper. Pass the slices of king cake, which were dipped in milk, in the beaten egg in order to cover them well and place directly on the plate, to stain.


When the slices are well browned, pass in the sugar with cinnamon and arrange on a plate with the blueberries with whishky on top (optional), sprinkle with powdered sugar (optional) and drizzle with Worcestershire sauce.


It is ready to serve.

Note: this recipe makes 20-24 french toast. An individual dose is equivalent to 2 French toast.


Pot meddium

Pot meddium



Bowl small

Bowl small

Kitchen foil

Kitchen foil

Mixing bowl

Mixing bowl

Balloon whisk

Balloon whisk

