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Tuna Tuna with Olive Purée
Tuna Tuna with Olive Purée

Tuna Tuna with Olive Purée

with potato, soy sauce, butter, milk, lime and ginger

Japanese cuisine has brought much more than just sushi to Portuguese tables. In addition to ramen, or tom yum, we now also have another recipe to show you: the delicious tuna tataki. If you like Asian food, it's time to try this recipe.

50 min

894 kcal

4 doses



You will also need:

The following ingredients will not be added to your grocery list.

50 gr

Ground Nutmeg (optional)

to taste

to taste

Nutritional Information

Calories (kcal)

Energy (Kj)

/ Per Dose

894 kcal

3,741 Kj

Nutritional real facts per meal might have small variations from the website nutritional info.​

Preparation Instructions

For o Puree:


Peel the potatoes, cover them completely with water and cook them in a salted pan.


Drain and puree them. In a pan add 20g of butter, the pitted and chopped olives and fry them.


Add the last potato, the milk little by little and season everything with salt, pepper and nutmeg.


Connect at the end with the remaining butter, stirring constantly. Reserve.

For the Sauce:


Mix soy, olive oil, lime juice, grated ginger and garlic in a bowl. Reserve.

For Fish:


Divide the tuna in order to obtain thick chunks (approximately 3cm side). Season with salt and pepper. Reserve.


Seal the tuna in very hot oil on all 4 sides until you get a crust.


Pass the tuna in the seeds and take it to the oven (180º), just to cook a little more, but always so that it is pink inside. Cut it into slices and drizzle with the sauce.


It is ready to serve with mashed potatoes or a mixture of lettuces, if you prefer.