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My Grandma's Stylish Healthy Cream Milk
My Grandma's Stylish Healthy Cream Milk

My Grandma's Stylish Healthy Cream Milk

with eggs, xylitol, lemon and cinnamon

This is a quick and delicious recipe that you really have to try. Healthier than the original recipe, but retains the tastes and smells of our childhood.

15 min

195 kcal

6 doses


Nutritional Information

Calories (kcal)

Energy (Kj)

/ Per Dose

195 kcal

818 Kj

Nutritional real facts per meal might have small variations from the website nutritional info.​

Preparation Instructions


Beat 2 whole eggs and 3 yolks with the sweetener until smooth.


Heat the milk with 1 cinnamon stick together with the peels of a lemon until it boils.


Remove some of the hot milk and crumble the cornstarch.


Pour the boiled milk mixture and mix well.


Add the mixture of grandparents, spoon by spoon always stirring. Continue to stir until thickened without boiling.


Serve with roasted xylitol to create a little crust.

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