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Recipes - Low Kcal

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Date and Peanut Balls
Not Cod with Cream
Asparagus and Quinoa Salad
Asparagus and Quinoa Salad

with strawberries, eggs and cherry tomatoes

Detox For 2 people Low Kcal Plant Based

Onion and Mushroom Omelet
Fresh Avocado Papaya Mousse
Crunchy Chickpeas
Sweet Quinoa
Mini Pizzas
Mini Pizzas

with egg, tomato sauce, mozzarella, peppers and manioc flour

For 2 people For 4 people Breakfast & Snacks Family Friendly Kid Snacks Paleo Diet Low Kcal

Cod Hamburgers
Cod Hamburgers

with sweet potatoes, spinach, lettuce and tomatoes

Fish For 2 people Mediterranean Low Kcal

Banana pie and Nec Pecan
Banana pie and Nec Pecan

with yogurt, oatmeal, flaxseed, egg and cinnamon

Family Friendly Dessert For 4 people Low Kcal

Curcuma Drink
Noodles Vegan Low Carb
Noodles Vegan Low Carb

with zucchini, almonds and tomatoes

Low Kcal Plant Based For 2 people

Chicken Meatballs with Egg and Zucchini Linguini
Sardine pate